Imperial Archives

Imperial Archives project

Imperial Archives is a social network where users can comment on different Star Wars characters, add as favorite, see info on all movies and series. Users can filter characters by their species or homeworld. Moderators can add new characters and edit them. The administrator can delete a user if not the moderator.

This was the Module 2 project of Ironhack's Web Developer Bootcamp. It was built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJs, ExpressJs, Handlebars, Sessions & Cookies, Cloudinary and Multer, Bcryptjs and MongoDB.

We used a system of Routes and MongoDB models, which can be seen in the next image:

imperial archives snippet 1

This project was made together with another student, which was a very good experience regarding Git and Github, since we had to do daily Pair Programming sessions, Git commits and Pull requests. We used Handlebars which is a Javascript library used to create reusable webpage templates. It was very interesting to render pages with this package.

Take a look at its full code or see it live